- lutelian
- Popularity: -157 points
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- Joined: 4629 days ago
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My Avatar and BT Disc
Views: 2202 · Added: 4626 days agoSo, no matter how hard I try, I can't upload an avatar to BoneToob :( I've tried IE, Google Chrome, and Firefox. With all of them I get an error. I WANT to have an avatar since I'm becoming active on here, but no luck! If anyone has any ideas what I can do, lemme know!
I lost my BoneTown disc. Can't find it anywhere. Been running the BoneCraft Princess AmaDollaHo contest nonstop and I needed a break, wanted to play some good old fashioned BT, maybe make a couple videos from it, but it's missing :( I moved just a couple months ago, and it must have gotten shoved somewhere it wasn't meant to go (hehehe), so now no clue where it's at. If I don't find it soon, looks like I'll be buying a digital copy so I can play again. I never registered my disc copy so I could play without the disc (cause im lazy), so I'm screwed there.
I hope d-dub plans on more games. I know some people were dissapointed some with BoneCraft (from the forums), but I wasn't. I love it. It's fun, original, unique, and if I could get the mod kit to work properly (opening the console doesn't work if I alt tab out once, and the terrain editor isn't working for me, suspect it's a graphics card issue), I would be writing up new levels and fun challenges as we speak. Everything else works great on it and is easy to use (once I read the tutorials and watched the tutorial video on-line). I love coding and designing things, so I'm hoping once I get my regular/new laptop repairds, it will work on there.
Yeah, I'm on a very old laptop that barely runs. I had bought a new laptop and the power jack broke a couple months later. Haven't had the money to fix it, but I'm working on it. Once I do, maybe the modkit will work on that one, and I can write some fun levels. Well, looking forward to seeing what else d-dub makes, I know whatever it is I'll buy it.