BoneToob Contest

4808 days ago
By: BoneToob

BoneToob is hosting video contests giving the community ways to win cool prizes!

The first BoneToob contest will be the "BoneTown Celebrity Contest." Winners of this contest will receive a FREE Pre Order Copy of BoneCraft when it releases!

For this contest contestants will submit their gameplay footage of them playing as their favorite celebrity from BoneTown!

1. Videos Must be under 150mb.
2. Must be awesome!
3. Must be in the Category "BoneTown Celebrity Contest"
4. Must be tagged Correctly:

To enter BoneToob contests please upload your content under the right category and tag it with:
1) Name of the Game. i.e. BoneTown
2) Name of Contest. i.e The Best Celebrity
3) Name of Celebrity. i.e Ron Jeremy, Jesus, Moses
4) (Optional) Any other tags you would like! i.e. Weed, Crack, Downtown, etc.

If you do not follow the above rules you will not be entered into the contest and your video will be placed in the correct category elsewhere. Thank you for participating!

BoneToob contests never end! We give away prizes to weekly winners!